Mei Lan Hsiao, Chinese Tea Master, started to promote Chinese authentic and fine quality tea based in Belgium since 1995. Based on nearly 30 years diligent efforts, Mei Lan deeply recognized the efforts have to go beyond tea and Chinese tea culture, it is necessary to understand what and how to satisfy the needs for humanistic and civilization development for a more peaceful society and a world.
A cup of fine, pure and authentic quality tea can in- and directly encourage civilization dialogues:
~ Dialogue between tea trees with ecological Mother Nature;
~ Encourage dialogue between people with Nature through tea trees and ECO environment;
~ Stimulate dialogue between people with civilization traditions while enjoying a cup of tea;
~ Encourage indepth appreciation to the efforts of sustaining culture heritages and nameless heros behind tea leaves while enjoying a cup of tea;
~ Encourage non-violent dialogues with inner self and others when sensing the fine flavors and tastes;
~ Stimulate the civilization dialogue through the joy of sharing and respects in the process of preparing, serving and sharing a cup of tea.

Is tea, not tea; is living.
Is not you, not I; is humanity.
copyright of Mei Lan Hsiao, Belgium Chinese Tea Centre, 31/10/2024