Probably you will laugh with this question, but it’s a real question from a young man who would like to purchase tea for her girl friend as Valentine’s gift. I first encouraged him for his nice intention, and told him honestly that he has looked for wrong solutions from tea.
Yes, in the market, we do can find tea with the label on tea box as ‘Relaxation tea’, ‘Immunity tea’ or even ‘stress free tea’, suggest to check the description of ingredients used in the tea; if it contains tea from Camellia sinensis v. sinensis (or O. Kuntze), regardless which type of tea , because tea leaves from Camellia sinensis tea trees all contain caffeine; either caffeine or theine these are the same substance, and tea caffeine often used the term as theine. Right amount of caffeine actually is good for our health. (
One must examine the cause of stress, anxiety or nervousness before searching for solutions from tea. Yes, tea has many health benefits, but tea shouldn’t considered as medicine to solve health or mental problems.
Intuitively speaking, the cause of stress mainly starts from unfulfill desire to satisfy the anxiety or desires that further affects the nervousness level in brain; while the direct of tea drink starts from mouth, to stomach and then disinterested further.
It is time and relaxation process one is willing to take and the calming in state of mind can link the body and mind in one.
So what’s my suggestions to that lovely young man?
” Enjoy a walk with your girl friend by holding hands together, or give her a good hug, or to enjoy a lovely moment together, and don’t forget to tell her that you truly appreciate and love her”, of course, if you really have that much money, can also try with “A diamond jewelry, 99 roses and 66 money bills”.