Drinkin tea, What is in the cup?

It seems a rather simple question, but it is a question that hardly can get a perfect answer.

To make it short, there are 3 to drink and the primary key words will be

The Taste

Again, there are 3 tastes to explore by individual preferences which is subject to respective willingness and capabilities:

  1. The taste of various chemical or mineral substances in tea
  2. The taste of culture and values behind tea leaves
  3. The taste of truth deep in the soul

So which level do you want to reach when drinking a cup of tea?

The joy

Drinking tea is a pleasant and joyful experience not only to body but also provide satisfactory feeling that everyone can enjoy. You do, however, need to learn the importance of taking time out to enjoy it and are able to listen and respect the choice of own body. Therefore right attitude to understand what and how to maintain balance in body and mind is important for health.

The enlightenment

There is no other alternative than tea that turns a small leaf to become a great civilization culture. Without recognizing the nature in tea, morals represented in tea would be hard to comprehend; without embracing the moral values represented in tea, how can we be enlightened in the learning of Cha Dao 茶道? The essence of Cha Dao in Chinese tea culture emphasize the harmony and balance between heaven, earth and mankind. simply because we are part of the Nature, same as tea trees. Collective existence because of harmony linkaging, that’s the nature in tea and that’s what we hope to perused in life when we enjoy a cup of tea.

The verticle thinking urges us to distinguish high or low in between material vs. spsiritual world. But can we really divide these two in our life? Can we say which is more important than the others? How to prioritize and can we judge which is the right answer? The answer is not far but right in our heart.

Drinking a simple cup of tea,

embracing a moment to be enlightened by the extraordinary wisdom in life.

So, are you ready?

“Which tea helps to reduce stress?”

Probably you will laugh with this question, but it’s a real question from a young man who would like to purchase tea for her girl friend as Valentine’s gift. I first encouraged him for his nice intention, and told him honestly that he has looked for wrong solutions from tea.

Yes, in the market, we do can find tea with the label on tea box as ‘Relaxation tea’, ‘Immunity tea’ or even ‘stress free tea’, suggest to check the description of ingredients used in the tea; if it contains tea from Camellia sinensis v. sinensis (or O. Kuntze), regardless which type of tea , because tea leaves from Camellia sinensis tea trees all contain caffeine; either caffeine or theine these are the same substance, and tea caffeine often used the term as theine. Right amount of caffeine actually is good for our health. (https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/wellness-and-prevention/9-reasons-why-the-right-amount-of-coffee-is-good-for-you)

One must examine the cause of stress, anxiety or nervousness before searching for solutions from tea. Yes, tea has many health benefits, but tea shouldn’t considered as medicine to solve health or mental problems.

Intuitively speaking, the cause of stress mainly starts from unfulfill desire to satisfy the anxiety or desires that further affects the nervousness level in brain; while the direct of tea drink starts from mouth, to stomach and then disinterested further.

It is time and relaxation process one is willing to take and the calming in state of mind can link the body and mind in one.

The key point is “Action’

(source: https://www.lifesimile.com/strategies-to-cope-with-stress/)

So what’s my suggestions to that lovely young man?

” Enjoy a walk with your girl friend by holding hands together, or give her a good hug, or to enjoy a lovely moment together, and don’t forget to tell her that you truly appreciate and love her”, of course, if you really have that much money, can also try with “A diamond jewelry, 99 roses and 66 money bills”.

Tea Ceremony vs. Cha Dao

Let's have a cup of tea

Indeed movements in tea ceremony, either from Gongfu Cha (功夫茶艺 gongfu cha yi) from China, Tea Art (茶艺 cha yi) from Taiwan or Chadao (茶道)from Japan, looks very Zen, somes even are pretty facy, however, it is nothing but a way of presentation of tea. Even though fancy movements are very attracting and eye catching,particularly to those who participate the tea setting; it, however, still is nothing but a way of tea presentation for us to explore the flavors and tastes in tea.

Often many people thought since the Japanese named it as ‘chadao (茶道)’, so it is same as what Cha Dao (茶道) is, well, the answer will be “Yes and Not quite exact”, and each step does have scientific rationality in the seemed philosophical movement.

Actually Cha Dao is much simplier; it does not emphasize the fancy movements, even though each step still has specific scientific and philosphical meaning but it guides you further into the learning path with tea by disciplining self with ease and calming energy and state of mind.

Movements in Cha Dao are slow, simple and gentle, the essence of tea preparing process focuses on the inner dialogue through tea when enjoy a tea moment.

When your body and mind are in the Chan (禅 Zen) state, the time stands still, the aroma and taste are no longer for appealing but for comforting.

The learning of tea opens a door of life time learning, there are different side doors to enter the path. It does not matter which door you choose to open, it all goes back to the root of tea in your heart.

Tea, is tea, not tea

Mei Lan Hsiao, Chinese Tea Master, started to promote Chinese authentic and fine quality tea based in Belgium since 1995. Based on nearly 30 years diligent efforts, Mei Lan deeply recognized the efforts have to go beyond tea and Chinese tea culture, it is necessary to understand what and how to satisfy the needs for humanistic and civilization development for a more peaceful society and a world.

A cup of fine, pure and authentic quality tea can in- and directly encourage civilization dialogues:

~ Dialogue between tea trees with ecological Mother Nature;

~ Encourage dialogue between people with Nature through tea trees and ECO environment;

~ Stimulate dialogue between people with civilization traditions while enjoying a cup of tea;

~ Encourage indepth appreciation to the efforts of sustaining culture heritages and nameless heros behind tea leaves while enjoying a cup of tea;

~ Encourage non-violent dialogues with inner self and others when sensing the fine flavors and tastes;

~ Stimulate the civilization dialogue through the joy of sharing and respects in the process of preparing, serving and sharing a cup of tea.

Is tea, not tea; is living.
Is not you, not I; is humanity.

copyright of Mei Lan Hsiao, Belgium Chinese Tea Centre, info@chinesetea.be 31/10/2024

Learning tea goes beyond tea

Like drinking tea is the basic step to learn tea and the first step is to learn what and how to distinguish different profiles and unique characters in flavors and tastes from the pure and authentic quality tea. Therefore willingness in submitting learning to accurate Information and knowledge to the ecological Nature, Chinese traditional tea cultures and tea is necessary. Because when we learn tea, We learn more about how to enjoy tea to sustain a healthy lifestyle, but most importantly is we learn how to become a better person and to enjoy a healthy daily living with ease、 calm and tranquility in life.


安特卫普在欧洲移民北美历史上面有一个非常重要的角色,当时那一条客轮海运公司名字是叫做红星号 (Red Star Line). 二次世界大战,当比利时尚未沦入德军纳粹手中时,爱因斯坦就是从比利时搭红星号去美国。

我跟红星号移民博物馆的缘封,可以追朔到约12-13年前当时荷语课程老师要我们每一个人写一篇本身的移民故事。在当时由於我写的角度跟班上其他新游民的写法与角度不一样,所以虽然我的荷文文章在当时没有被市政府列入比赛前几名,但是我却不知道我的故事却被红星号移民博物馆的重建小组注意到。 安特卫普市政府将具有历史性的古老海关仓库改建成红星号移民博物馆 (Red Star Line Musemum)时,重建小组选了10位新移民的故事。而我的移民故事在当时就很荣幸被他们收入。 今年博物馆进入第2个10年的阶段,他们将会选另外10个故事,因为近些年战争难民的涌入,所以第二个十年的故事很可能选的是由战争难民中进行选择。我很高兴红星号移民博物馆跟我联络,因为他们希望把我的移民故事永远存在他们的资料库中。所以在获得我书面同意后,我的移民故事将永远代表中国人新移民存在他们博物馆的故事库中。



因为父母的过往经历是受到他们的人格个性影响,而一个孩子的成长,在无形中也受到由父母负责撑起来的家庭修养价值影响。 所以10多年前,红星号移民博物馆负责新移民故事项目的导演问我个人移民故事的时候,我跟他讲,想知道今天的我,就必须对我父母的移民故事先有了解。



父亲年轻的时候非常的帅气,人又很正直,又是一个军官,我外祖父对我父亲相当的欣赏而我母亲是我外祖父最疼爱的掌上明珠。左来右去,两个年轻人近水楼台就恋爱上了。 可是在当时依然是处于战乱时间,而年轻有叛逆性的爸爸妈妈哪怕当时有军官不准许结婚的规定下,还是在外祖父默许以及部队长官的祝福之下“偷偷结婚”了。






父亲往生后,有朋友不服为什么爸爸把家中有形的资产都留给了妈妈与弟弟,而我没有一分,我对朋友回道「爸爸已经把他生命中最宝贵的无形资产早已经给了我。不善表达爱字的父亲在我心里会永远呵护我,持续的支撑我; 而我必然不会辜负家教,会不辱家风的活下去」。

1991年移居比利时,对那个决定没有必要问为什么,那是自己对爱的一种憧憬,对组合家庭的一个梦想所做的决定。自己做的决定,自己面对,自己负责, 如此而已。家乡的土带不走,家乡的云彩一丝也带不走; 但是离家的时候,把父母紧紧揣在我心里,把家庭教诲与对茶的爱带走了。



许多人因为我经常保持微笑就以为我很快乐,确实在当时羡慕我在国际管理领域的专业,前夫是高阶主管收入高,我们住在别墅里,表面看起类确是好似光鲜,但是鲜有人了解在看似站在云层里的生活而实际内心时时感受空虚不实的孤独与恐惧。 虽然前夫在2001年开始肢体暴力,但是为了不让妈妈担心,我选择欺骗自己将一切苦默默吞下。直到2002年六月发现前夫无情的婚外情事实,后来他其实早就由系统的准备离婚,梦碎将我打醒, 云散了,有如从空中直线下落,心身意全碎了,人生中我们或许有自信可以做许多准备,但是当面对惊吓时了解当面对那些过去以为在查理斯。迪克森(Charles Disckson)书中的人生悲惨不会在现实生活中发生时,方深刻的了解再多的准备赶不上人生会发生的变化。在那个不可言喻痛苦的过程中,我只有一个简单的想法,那就是不光是活下去,更是为了两个年幼的孩子,为了不辜负父母教养,我必须健康有尊严的活下去;哪怕生活困苦,在法理的框架下挣扎保护自己,依然能体制腰背不被苦难打败。

没有任何亲人在身边,对人性失去信任时,这一切的痛苦都熔成了生存下去的动力。支撑我度过那段痛苦就是靠每一天我在心里跟父亲默默对话,激励自己练习导引气功让身心意能在泪水中有些许放松片刻,更重要的是当我宣扬中华文化,教茶,推广茶的每一场茶会,由内心得到许多无价的安慰与快乐。 因为当能够跟外国人讲述中华文化与智慧的时候,下意识帮助我在努力向上生长,向下扎根的文化融入过程中能更认同,更肯定“我是谁”、“我应该做什么”; 每一次宣扬中华茶文化,推广中国茶那一份由心的快乐,更让我对“我能做什么”与“我应该如何做”有了更深度的肯定。



©萧美兰,比利时中华茶文化协会,于安特卫普,比利时 08/09/2022

White Tea

What is White Tea?

The production processes for white tea actually is rather simple and nature. However the most extraordinary exists behind the seemed orindary。 Tea trees can be migrated, production processes can be learned but none from the nature can be copied.

It’s just like when we enjoying the blue sky white cloud above in the sky,our enjoyment is limited by showing our appreciation with respect by knowing none of these can be migrated or copied the essence within each leaf.

白茶的制茶工艺很简单与自然, 但是最不简单的就存在于简单的后面. 茶树可以被移植,而大自然的奥妙却无法炮制。就有如天空里那些带不走的云彩一般, 唯一能做的就是发自内心的尊重的欣赏。

copyrighted Mei Lan Hsiao, Belgium Chinese Tea Association, Antwerp, Belgium

The meaning of “Tea” – Learn from the Chinese character 茶

Chinese is not a very difficult language because its gramma is rather less complicated comparing with many European languages, however its characters and intonations are very challenging for those who like to learn Chinese, not limited to foreigners but also for many Chinese. According to estimation it has more or less 120,000 chacracters, however the good news is 1,000 common words can cover about 92% of written information, 2,000 words can cover > 98% of communication, and 3,000 words has reached 99% in reading.Chinese is a unique language because it's not based on ABC... but started in graphical hieroglyphs, Chinese characters have undergone many changes and reforms rom the ancient hieroglyphs to today's Chinese characters. The beginning of the word has its unique graphical related meaning; among Chinese characters, the word of "Tea 茶“ probably is the most unique character, because it's a combination of 3 different beginnings of the word:

The top is 艹 (or 屮屮): means Grass, it implies the ecological or motivated growing upwards

The middle is 人,means people. The shape is also similar as tea bush

Under people (人) is 木, it means "Wood", as you can see it includes the braches and roots from the graphic in ancient hieroglyphs

Before the first emperor, Qin ShiHuang, actually Chinese characters and writing were not unified. Thanks to LuYu (733–804AC),the most significant and important tea master and writer in Tang Dynasty who unified different names of 茶(chá)、槚( jiǎ )、蔎(shè)、茗(míng)、荈 to 茶 (chuǎn)as we know as 茶(chá)today. Based on the different spelling of tea in different foreign languages, it gives us an idea about from which trade route and roughly when those foreign nations integrated tea in their culture. For example,

those cultures name tea as caj/cai/cha are likely engaged and integrated tea in their living culture through the first Grand Silk Road when Emperor Wu in Han Dynasty sent Zhang Qian on an envoy in 139 BC to the Western regions and different routes from the first Grand Sillk Road were able to successfully connect China with South East Asia, Central Asia and Europe. The dialogue spoke by those land transporters from Shaanxi was based on 'chá'.


Actually Maritime Silk Road was developed in the Spring-Autumn, War Time period (770 - 210BC)and was further expanded in the Ming/Qing Dynasty, the dialogue spoken in QuanZhou, Fujian about tea is ‘'.

It does not matter whether it's named as cha or tea, it means the same thing with tolerance and willingness for cultural integration and adaptability without competitive thought in mind. We can make this world again a beautiful global village by remembering how the legend of tea route began.

©Mei Lan Hsiao l Chinese Tea Master l Belgium Chinese Tea Association l Email: info@chinesetea.be l @chineseteamaster

TanYang JinZhen

TanYang Gonfu Cha is a premier quality black tea from Fu’An region in Fujian.

FuJian province is an import tea production region where there are plenty famouse teas, such as white tea, oolong, jasmine and black tea, in China, the most important ethnic group in FuJian is She ethnic group together with another 50 ethnic groups. Fu’An region is not just famous for TanYang Gongfu Black tea, but also known for its white tea. The geographical position is between Longitude: 119.546163 Latitude: 27.222276, the altitude is not very high, around 203meters above sea level but the climate and humidity are very suitable for tea tree growing.

The following basic manufacturing requirements are critical for any tea to be classified as “Gongfu Cha”:

  1. Suitable eco-balance in environment for tea tree growing
  2. Not excessive picking per year, to ensure tea trees could have sufficient rest for the next year harvest
  3. Hand tea picking to ensure the quality of raw tea leaves
  4. Quality classification subject to the picking of tea leaves, i.e. 1 bud with 1-2 leaves
  5. Good and appropriately managed withering is the prerequisite for the formation of good quality for all Gongfu Cha and Oolong tea.
  6. Even though now they can use some machines to aid the tea production, but still traditional tea manufacturing methods are well respected
  7. Repeated drying and charcoal roasting are important for the final formation of premier quality Gongfu Cha

TanYang JinZhen was in twitted shape by using tea leaves of 1 bud with 1-2 leaves, which are picked only in the Spring season. The most suitable tea leaves are from local Fu’An vegetable tea trees, FuDing DaHao or Fu’An DaBai. Production methods are rather complex by following the traditional manufacturing techniques and standards .

There are different legends about TanYang Gonfu Black tea (TanYang JinZhen 坦洋金针) ; one is said TanYang Gongfu Cha was created by Hu FuShi from TanYang village during 1851-1874.

According to literature, Fuan Xian exported 70,000 boxes tea in 1881 which meant TanYang JinZhen was popular in Europe at that time already. Due to the anti-Japanese Invade War, export channels faced severly setback, productions were severily damaged that caused sharply drop of production output. After the New China was established, due to the change of tea demand layout, the tea production in TanYang changed from “Red“ to “Green”, not much traditional TanYang Gongfu Cha left for TanYan JinZhen until 1988. TanYang JinZhen has gone through gradual evalutions. In the last two decades since 1991, TanYang JinZhen has been through with consistent modified and improved manufacruring methods to create better quality Gongfu black tea. No matter what and how they modern the production process, they persistently follow the traditional manufacturing methods with TanYang Gongfu black tea, i.e. spreading, withering, kneading, oxidated fermentation, further refined rolling, roasting and sieving.

Fujian government established a clear GIS guidline for TanYang JinZhen:

  1. Tea leaves from tea trees grow in the Fu’An region, widely distributed and mainly produced in Fu’An region, therefore TanYang JinZhen has very firmed GIS (Geographic Indication System) quality identity
  2. The dried leaves are in twitted shape
  3. Persistently to follow the basic black tea manufacturing method (withering, rolling, fermentation, drying) and further enhanced with refined shaping, sortings, eliminating inferior different quality and roasting processes.
  4. Prhibit to use any aromatic substance and additives in the production.
  5. Strengthen the quality control to ensure no peculiar smell and no deterioration
  6. Pure and authentic quality in flavors and tastes are their fundamental belief for sustainability development for a better future.

How to distingulish the quality?

  • The color of dried leaves is in urun oily;
  • The color of tea liqour is in shining golden amber red color
  • It has pretty attractive fresh and elegant fraquence
  • mellow and yet complex dried sweetness tastes in mouth

Brwing suggestions:

  • All Gongfu Cha actually requires very heated water temperature from the boiling water
  • Suggest to use neutral pH balance mineral water, but neither too soft nor hard water.
  • Matching teaware : YiXing purple clay tea pot or white porcelain tea pot
  • Use of tea leaves: 1gm: 50-80ml (subject to personal taste preference)
  • Water temperature: 85-90°C
  • Suggest to keep the brewing time short and sexy, because longer brewing time allow more dissolvants from tea tannins and catechins in tea that will increase the bitter taste in tea. But also try to avoid ‘too sexy’ short brewing that does not allow sufficient dissolving of amino acid that weaken the sweetness in tea.

Tea has very charming and complex multiple layers in fraquence and in taste. Multiple infusions definitely are possible, about 6-8 brewings.

Perhaps the price for premier quality teas is not so cheap because of its hand picking and manual manufacture processing; when you are willing give yourself a chance to experience the fine flavors and tastes that you can enjoy from the multiple infusions, surely you will appreciate the quality and understand the cost per cup actually is very economical. It is indeed tghe better quality tea can meet with your demands for economic and ecological life style while providing you a better quality appreciation.